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Tag Archives: Recipe

The Recipe For Happiness

Picture your favorite restaurant.  Not just the outside signage but imagine yourself being in the restaurant and sitting at your favorite table.  You’ve ordered your favorite meal of all time and you can’t wait until the server brings it to your table.

Finally, the server appears from the kitchen with this favorite meal in hand.  Man, that seemed like forever! As it sits in front of you, envision how it looks.  Does it steam?  Does it glisten?  As you look at it, what are the aromas that come from it?  Is it strong and pungent or sweet and airy? And the taste?  You could rave about the moisture, the tenderness, the feel in your mouth but there are really no words for the taste.  It just makes you happy.

English: Several pieces of fried chicken.

Fried chicken makes me happy!  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If only you could make that meal at home!  As impossible as it may seem, you could make that meal at home.  The first and most obvious thing that you are going to need is the recipe.  That recipe is going to save you years of trial and error.  Somebody already went through the time and trouble to develop the recipe into what it is today.

You may have to watch or interview the chef as he/she prepares it.  You’ll have to take notes on the ingredients, the preparation, the cooking times.  Then you’ll have to study and practice.  You might even have to buy some equipment.

It is easier said than done but but if you prepare and portion the ingredients the exact same way, cook them in the same type of equipment, at the same temperature, and for the same amount of time.  If you did all those things exactly, that same dish would be sitting in front of you right now and you would feel successful and happy.

Recently, a successful friend of mine gave me a call.  He was expressing to me that he’s happy with everything in his life except his career.  Although he has a well paying job, it isn’t fulfilling for him.  He isn’t happy with his career beyond getting his paycheck.  I gave him the scariest advice he’s ever heard.

My advice: “Do what you love.”

His response was to ask, “How do I do what I love and still make a living?”

You can sense the apprehension (and fear) in the the response.  The unknown is a scary thing for a lot of us, for most of us.  The question however is the right question.  What he is asking for is the recipe.  Whatever unhappiness you may be feeling in your life is the result of not knowing or not following the/your recipe for happiness.

Do you want a successful and fulfilling career?  Picture what it is that would make you feel successful and fulfilled in a career.  See what it looks like.  Know what it feels like.  Find the people who are already doing it. Get the recipe.  Discover the ingredients.  Study, practice, and follow it.

How about a relationship? Is that an area of you life that could be better?  Picture a successful relationship.  Maybe you have a friend who has the greatest relationship ever.  You can’t figure it out.  How the hell do they do it?  Ask them.  Observe what it looks like.  Know what it feels like.  Get the recipe.  Discover the ingredients.  Study, practice, and follow it.

This favorite meal of yours can parallel many aspects of your life.  If you can follow the steps that it takes to recreate that favorite meal, you can follow the steps to recreate a successful and happy relationship, business,  fitness level, education, career, etc.

Taking action is a big step up from reading a post.  Do not be intimidated by the amount of effort, energy, and expense that your recipe may require.  See what it looks like.  Know what it feels like.  Find the people who are already doing it. Get the recipe.  Discover the ingredients.  Study, practice, and follow.


Here are couple links I thought were interesting and in line with what I’m talking about in this post.  Enjoy.

Need a recipe for winning?  Try this book, The Winning Mindset:

Celebrities that have turned their liabilities into assets:

Steve Jobs and the Seven Rules of Success: